Friday, December 28, 2007

Sofitel, part 2

Ithamara Koorax with keyboardists José Roberto Bertrami and Fabio Fonseca

Ithamara Koorax with José Carlos Bigorna, Tavynho Bonfá and Wilson Chaplin
Ithamara Koorax with Tavynho Bonfá and Wilson Garzon

Ithamara Koorax with Carlos Pingarilho, Marcos Ozzellin, Nonato Buzar and friends

Ithamara Koorax & Monique Lafond

Ithamara Koorax with Arnaldo DeSouteiro, Mr. and Mrs. João Donato and Palmyra & Paulo Levita

Ithamara Koorax with Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mesquita
Ithamara Koorax with drummers Haroldo Jobim and Ronnie Mesquita
Ithamara Koorax with Lucia Leme

Ithamara Koorax with Marcos Ozzellin, Nonato Buzar and friends

Ithamara Koorax with Ricardo Cravo Albin

Ithamara Koorax with Nildo Parente & Monique Lafond
Ithamara Koorax's band plus special guest Fabio Fonseca

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