Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ithamara Koorax & Prince Naruhito - "Globo TV"

At an official invitation of the Japanese Consulate, Ithamara Koorax met the Prince Naruhito on June 24, 2008, in Rio de Janeiro. Ithamara took part of the meeting as one of "the Brazilian celebrities in Japan" along with other artists and the soccer player Zico.
Prince Naruhito is called Hironomiya (his title of the royalty) in TV news in Japan. His wife, Masako, became the Crown Princess from Ministry of Foreign Affairs duty.

The meeting of Prince Naruhito with Ithamara Koorax and the other Brazilian artists was broadcasted on many Brazilian TV networks, including "Rede Globo" (RJ TV) and "Globonews".
To watch the news, please click on the links below:,,MUL612852-9099,00-PRINCIPE+DO+JAPAO+VISITA+O+RIO.html

RJTV - RJTV 2a. Edição - NOTÍCIAS - Príncipe do Japão visita o Rio
24 jun. 2008 ... O príncipe Naruhito visitou lugares que lembram a influência de ... no Centro Cultural Branco do Brasil (CCBB), no Centro do Rio.,,MUL612852-9099,00-PRINCIPE+DO+JAPAO+VISITA+O+RIO.html - 42k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes

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